Saturday 30 April 2016

Entry 7

My Project & What Inspired Me

I had two ideas for the pitch presentation. Actually I had three but I presented just two because I wasn't sure If I at all would be able to do the third. I will discuss about the 3rd one in the end of this entry.

First Idea-

Do we need a superhero?
Inspiration- the upcoming Batman vs Superman film. One of the main themes of the film is whether earth will be a better place without Superman and how Batman appoints himself to get rid of Superman which he can’t.

My Location- Entire Brighton
Theme- No we don't need a superhero
My Argument:- Instead I will be aiming to show how mankind lives and grows by helping one another. The various organisations like Police, Firefighters, authorities of institutes and maybe even the people who keep the city clean. Such individuals or groups represent or are identified as superheroes by the mass. 
Conclusion- There are both good and bad(natural/man-caused) elements in this world and hence there is an equilibrium in this society. A presence of a superhero will definitely create an imbalance.
Will need a lot of luck to get proper photos.

Second Idea-

Inspiration- Dozens of homeless people I see in the city.
Location- Brighton. Preferably in and around the City Centre.

Theme- Presence of a certain kind of happiness amongst a few of such people despite a lack of shelter and/or extreme poverty. There are some who are not displeased or discouraged even if they are refused any alms. There are several people who pass by them on a daily basis. The ones who are helpful are of course shown gratitude but the ones who do not give anything are still greeted. Everyday you go to that spot you will see the people there. This makes me feel that they are not afraid or ashamed and above all not given up hope.
Argument- Happiness can be found despite the lack of incentives or materialistic gains. There are people who literally chat with them for a long time.
Conclusion- Happiness gives you hope which in turn helps you survive.

Feedback i got from the group-

All of them were of the opinion that I do the superhero one and that is what I wanted to do as well. They said that the homelessness one has been touched upon several times by several people and is too cliched as a title of a project now. Also they said that the superhero one is exciting and would be a challenging aspect for me.

The third idea which I had-

This would have been a photographic essay of 'Water'.
Essentially the water cycle as in the way water keeps changing forms and it's method of availability to us. I would have also included 2-3 photographs about how water is wasted by us. I think this might have been a bit monotonous as every photograph would have had water in some form. It may have been visually pleasing if photographed correctly but nothing of much interest to the audience as they are well and aware if this cycle and the role water plays in our lives.

What inspired me?

Now, I basically live off cinema so I try to make it a point that as far as I can every project of mine is related to a certain film. During the time I had to make the pitch the film 'Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' was a few days from release. 
This particular trailer(link below) of the film was my stepping stone for the project. In the trailer we see how Superman is questioned. His powers are questioned. Mankind wonders to what extent can Superman be trusted when he has already caused for so much destruction from his previous fights with the villains. He is a man who can wipe out the planet in seconds. Is there really a place for him on Earth?

I also hope to get more ideas and perhaps different views from the film itself so I will watch it as soon as I can. On a personal note, I would love if there were superheroes on this planet. Mainly because I see them as a symbol of hope and at some point of our lives we all need hope.

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