Monday 2 May 2016

Entry 31- Final Post. Final Thoughts.

Final Thoughts

I am yet to technically create the web gallery but I have the images in sequence in mind and i will go to create the gallery once I am done with this post.

Overall I am happy with my work because it is metaphorical in nature and I love metaphors. I think I have dealt with this topic in a unique enough way

Now I can just hope for the best and relax. It has been a long and stressful term.

Entry 30- Project Development 10

More Shots, Conclusion, Penultimate Post

I went out and took more shots in the following places. The fair going on in the Level. The Sea beach and seafront. The Glass Building near The Royal Theatre which I had to re-click because of the errors made previously.

I think I have found my conclusion. My conclusion is in a way an ending of the very first image. In the first image the woman is shown sitting and finally she gets up and starts walking back. The photograph in it's nature is a conclusive image.

So where did I get 6 images from? I got a new starting image. I got it on the beach. I saw a woman sitting alone quite close to the shore. She was quiet and seemingly peaceful, sitting like a monk. Alongwith her even the sea was quiet at that time with hardly any activity or large waves. A perfect way to begin I think showing that man and Nature both are at peace currently and it would be ideal if this peace persisted.

i clicked images of the fair in the level but i dont think i will use it as none of the photos are good and it was tough to get a good shot.

These are my final collection of shots-

Entry 29- Project Development 9

My thoughts while clicking photos & feedback from class on 2 of the images

As I have shared my main plan before I won't post the same image again to take up space. My thoughts always revolved around my main plan. I wanted to take photos of scenes which would seamlessly fit into my plan. I did not want to go out of the way to create a scene forcibly. I wanted the natural effects and emotions.

I still don't have the conclusion to my work. I can't figure out how to end it. maybe with an image which in itself looks like a conclusive image would do.


So I showed these two photographs in class and I am really glad with the critical responses I got.

They liked the first image but for the second one they said that the car was disrupting the overall scene and there was a lack of people in it also it wasn't well exposed. So I decided to go out again another day and correct my errors and hunt for my conclusion in the city of Brighton.

Entry 28- Project Development 8

Some thoughts

First i wish to discuss the problems I faced while carrying out my plan.

I am not a good photographer. I haven't ever done such a well rounded module on it with this many details. i am quite sure my poor photography could downgrade my project.

On the brighter side I learnt about stuff like flash photography and rule of thirds. Both of which I have tried in my project.

Another beneficial thing were the number of readings and photographers we focused on. There was a variety to choose from and understand the basics of photography. Lauren Marsolier in particular proved to be quite useful with her trademark symmetrical images.

Lastly, I had a massive stroke of luck the day I went out to shoot. The Marathon. Without that I would have had to go out several more days just to click images of ambulances, police vans or fire brigade and keep hunting for people trying to help other people. It would have been much tougher for me without the marathon.

Entry 27- Project Development 7

Critical Introduction

This was quite an easy one compared to the critical introduction of the communication design project. This is because I had done quite some academic research as well as non-academic ones. I had enough inspiration and my theme was simple.

I did have doubts as to what i should write and what I should not I tried my best to stop describing the production process but II have described a photograph.

Overall I have just focused on the theme, my intentions, how I achieved what I wanted to if I at all have and relevant academic references.

Entry 26- Project Development 6

Captain America: Civil War and Critical Introduction

I watched the latest movie from Marvel called Civil War. The movie is basically about a fight between Captain America and Iron Man. Cutting a long story short the main theme of the film was strikingly similar to the Batman vs Superman film. Yes, collateral damage caused to humans.

In this film the United Nations make a treaty asking the Avengers to stop fighting and causing such damage. Iron Man agrees to the treaty, Captain does not. This is why they start fighting.

The key aspect is of course the collateral damage and loss to lives they result in. This is indeed a wrong side of a superhero. A really wrong side.

United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
I liked this caption and wish to use something similar for my work. If we humans are United we are good enough on our own and are able to help each other. A superhero would only bring a division in which case, we fall.

Entry 25- Project Development 5

Reasons and explanations of some of the main photos. They could be a part of the essay.

 Image 1- This is an image of a large area where a building was demolished to build a new one. This is in Old Steine. Why this? Yes, to show destruction aka collateral damage. This is what superheroes can do. Bam. All you see is rubble.

 Image 2- Ambulance near Old Steine. Bless my luck. That day thanks to the marathon I got a lot of the things I wanted. I have more shots of the same ambulance with the first aid staff around it but they technically weren't helping anyone. So i chose this image because it hides most of them. I just want to signify the fact that help is there in this city. We do not need superheroes.

My favourite set of images. Here I used burst mode to click him walking past me in front of that dome monument. Why is this my favourite? This photograph I believe can grow to be the main one in my photographic essay as it shows both man(with his infant child) and manmade monument as well as elements of Nature like birds and trees. And every one of those stand to be at risk in the presence of a superhero

 Image of a modern day building. A really beautiful building. I plan to show this and then the demolished area in my first image to create a contrast. The contrast would be to say that this is what we have and that demolished area is what we would be left with; due to collateral damage.

Finally, images from the marathon. Specifically of people shown helping and the first aid guys. I could not get good enough photos in this case. However the first image in this set of 3 images in my opinion is quite metaphorical in my theme. It shows that everyone can be a superhero. From the athlete to the people helping them by keeping water bottles ready; everyone can make a contribution to the society.